Like Lawyer-Mystery Thrillers?

If you like legal mysteries with a touch of thriller, you’ll love Scott Pratt’s Joe Dillard series. I just finished A Crime of Passion, the seventh in the series . (For a literary reader and writer, it’s a bit of an admission, but hey, I’ve read them all.)

Joe Dillard is a practicing attorney in Nashville. He is honest, down-home, has a wife he adores, some trusty friends, and a good family. He has been through the trenches from DA to private practice, to prosecutor and has seen the oily underbelly of all sides the law.

Pratt takes readers on a real romp that even I, with no sense of the law, can enjoy and understand.

I won’t review any of his titles, will just say get your hands on one–preferably the first in the series, An Innocent Client, then thank me for the introduction.